Three funding announcements for the Cavan group!
July 12, 2023
October 29, 2024
July has been a bumper month in funding to support the Cavan research group in driving forward research on the ocean carbon cycle. In the next 6 months three new projects will start (and excitingly 3 post-doc positions will be available), two of which were funded by NERC and the third by Horizon Europe.
The projects are:
- PARTITRICS led by Prof. Stephanie Henson at the National Oceanography Center, as part of the BIO-Carbon program. This project will investigate controls on the remineralisation of sinking carbon in the North Atlantic Ocean.
- Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) project led by Dr Athanasios Paschalis in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial, in collaboration with Dr Bonnie Waring (Imperial) and Dr Kieran Khamis (University of Birmingham). Across the team we will look at the fate and ecological impact of in fields and rivers prior to carbon storage in the oceans.
- Sea-Quester led by Prof. Marja Koski at the Danish Technological University, Denmark. This is a large consortia grant across many different international institutes. The aim of the project is to identify new and emerging hotspots of blue carbon in Polar and Europrean seas.